Monday 21 April 2014

Awesome Sunday

We slept in today, both pretty exhausted after an awesome day yesterday, and rested for a new awesome day today!
We had some breakfast, got ready, got Sondre and Michelle over and eventually headed out to take the bus to Valby Park. We packed a picnic: some sandwiches, pastries, berries and snacks.
We found a nice spot in the big open field we were sitting at with Atlas last time we were there, laid down some blankets, got situated, put on some music and had an excellent day!
Atlas got to run around and play, the sun was shining (the wind was annoying, though), there were people grilling and playing soccer around us, even a horse passed by. So, so nice!

We sat there for hours, until we got both chilly and tired and decided to head back.
I was so exhausted, which I really felt when I sat down on the couch, so I had to take a nap. I was planning on taking a little one, but didn't wake up until a few hours later, when it was time for a very late dinner.
But it was so tasty!

I need a real good night's rest again today, I wonder how I'll manage Tuesday morning when I have to take the plane to Norway at 9.20 in the morning! Hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep real early tomorrow evening, after a day filled with games, laughs and chats.

Loads of love,

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