Saturday 14 May 2016

A little hello

Hello again everyone, whoever might pop by this blog!

My apologies for the almost 2 year long unannounced hiatus from my side.
Right as school started back up for me in 2014, we had to start thinking about a solution to our living situation a couple of months ahead, all while working as much as we both could.
Ever since that, my time has been mostly occupied by exactly those things: school, school work, work work, and worrying about where we're gonna live next. You see, here in Copenhagen, finding a place to live is kind of like winning the lottery - you gotta get real lucky! Especially when you are to foreigners with a dog.
Luckily we have not had to be "homeless" as of yet, but from we moved to Denmark in January 2014, up until now, we have moved house a total of 4 times, with another move coming up in just a couple of weeks. And the apartment searching process is both time consuming and exhausting. Thus taking up a lot of my time next to school and work - and as a result I haven't had time to do that much else at all.

But lots of things have happened, and lots of things are about to happen, and very soon I will try to be blogging somewhat regularly again! I'm gonna start back up again some time this summer, so stay tuned!

Loads of love,

Thursday 28 August 2014


Today we treated ourselves to some sweets.

A piece of apple cake, and raspberry cake. And some chocolate: white chocolate with cherries, and rice milk chocolate with almonds.


We also went to the dog park and played for a while. And of course cuddled.

Loads of love,

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Tiny bed

Another few days have passed. Now that school have started, I feel my time sort of shrinking. It's going by faster, and even though I haven't gotten properly into everything yet, it feels like I have much less of it.
But I'm eager and motivated to learn, so I'm ready for the 40 hours of studying and homework a week!

Other than working on school-stuff and attending online class meetings, I've run a bunch of errands the last few days. I got myself a new pair of shoes for autumn, a super quality bra (hopefully), and some thicker tights to keep me warm. You see, autumn really has come to Copenhagen!

We also got Atlas a mental exercise toy (that he doesn't understand at all - so far...), and a comfy bed just for him! So far he still prefers sleeping/cuddling as close to me as possible on the couch, but then again he's not used to having a bed just for him (other than a big pile of comfy blankets). He likes it, though.

Daniel even tried to squeeze in, but it turned out to be too small for them both...

I love my silly guys.

Tomorrow it's time for more school work, another class meeting, and some trip planning for a coming trip to Norway in October with my dear mother-in-law who's coming to visit us! Exciting!

Loads of love,

Saturday 23 August 2014

Mate, puppy, haul and cupcake

The last few days I've...

Had some club mate.
Cuddled, played and walked with this sleepy butt.
Brought home a big haul of leftover fruit and vegetables (yay pomegranate!).
Gone to a street market in our neighbor street in the rain, and bought this little and very delicious cupcake that I shared with Daniel during his break.

Loads of love,

Wednesday 20 August 2014

This last week

This last week has been both busy and relaxed, and has gone by quite fast.

I've made post-very-hard-and-long-workday-pizza for a very tired hubby and myself.

Autumn arrived very suddenly (and way too early if you asked me, although Daniel thinks it's not come to stay). This whole week has been rainy, gray and cold.

I made and we ate this (thai coconut curry).

I took pictures of flowers.

And mushrooms.

We walked in the park.

And today it was officially back to school! I had my first lecture back, an introduction to the classes I'm taking this year.

And after the lecture, Daniel made and we ate this (lasagna with a simple salad and a garlic baguette).

Other than this,  I've just relaxed, ran errands, prepared for school, drawn, cuddled, watched House and stayed warm.
It's back to work tomorrow though, so it's time for bed real soon!

Loads of love,