Monday 10 March 2014

Treats and a tea pot

We ended up staying up almost all night last night, making sure Atlas was alright and trying to get him to eat and drink, as he kind of refused to. We tried everything we could, Daniel went to 7/11 at 2.30 am to get some chicken broth, and that didn't really work either. Atlas would only drink/eat somewhat when it was liquid off of my fingers. So I had to dip my fingers in water, broth and a mushy, liquified mixture of rice, carrots, potatoes and broth that I made, and he would only lick a little bit off so now and then.
Eventually he started eating the softened up kibble we had but in a bowl of water earlier, so he got a few spoonfuls of both water and food in him, and we felt a lot better. We went to bed at 5 am, and put him in between us to make sure he was alright during the night.
He actually woke me up a few times in the morning, walking around and finding new positions to lay in. We could tell he was feeling better when we woke up, so we went to the pet store and the super market and got some good quality treats and some chicken just for him (not that we eat that, anyway).
He tried out the chicken treats, which he loved, and we cooked up some chicken with some broth and it was a major success. He went crazy while it was cooking and really enjoyed eating it. So his appetite is back, which is great. What we wouldn't do for our dearest pooch!

While out shopping for something to peak Atlas' appetite, we were also planning on shipping out the package to our dear friends in Norway. But of course we only made the post office right before they closed, and of course we didn't have enough cash on us, and of course they didn't take cards except from one specific type (not even my Danish one!), so we had to leave the package and come back and pay for it tomorrow. Oh well.

Oh, and we randomly discovered a thrift store by the post office, full of little treasures! We finally found a little sauce pan (so we don't have to use our huge one when we just wanna make a little bit of tomato sauce, for instance), a mixing bowl and a tea pot. And a cute little cup. All for the total of 80 kr. Nice!

Well, needless to say this whole ordeal has left me feeling exhausted, and achy, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sleep real deep and long tonight!

Loads of love,

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