Sunday 9 March 2014

Walking an unwell dog

Just took some quick photos while we were out for a little bit running two short errands and taking Atlas out for some fresh air, some sniffing and some pees.
He's not feeling well, it seems like he's eaten something he shouldn't have, poor thing. He's not eating, has thrown up some bile and is pretty lethargic when he's inside. But his gums are fine, his snout is cold and he's still excited about sniffing and peeing on almost everything outside, so we're letting him rest as much as possible today, feeding him only a bit of natural yoghurt so now and then to hopefully help his system clear up. Tomorrow we're gonna go buy some chicken for him, and boil it with some rice, and hopefully his appetite will be back by then and he'll enjoy the meals. If not, it's off to the vet.


I have a few projects due this coming week, so I'll probably spend a lot of it working on those, as well as handing out some resumes and applications here and there. And we're mailing out a little care package/birthday gift to our awesome friends in Norway, Sondre and Michelle, who we miss loads.

Hoping I'll feel 100% again soon!

Loads of love,

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