Tuesday 11 March 2014

Exhausted lot

Atlas threw up again last night, and was gagging a few times, and that, together with being worried, kept us up pretty much all night long. So neither of us have had a lot of sleep, and we're both feeling really crappy today. I did take Atlas for a long walk when I got up though, and he was as energetic and curious as ever, and after that I went shopping for some stuff to make his tummy less upset, which turned out to be a lot more difficult than I though. I walked around for 1,5 hour trying to find a few bits, and luckily did eventually. I was running around from one end of the area to another!

We've had some proper food now, hoping Atlas will eat soon and not throw up what he eventually does again, but for now it's time for us all to relax and have some cuddles while watching a movie.

Loads of love,

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