Monday 29 April 2013

Hello again!

Long time, no see.
It's been a few stressful months, where we haven't been able to do much else than waiting.
We are still waiting for a reply to Daniel's application, even though the police office where we submitted it told us we would have an answer within 6-8 weeks.
It has now been 16 weeks, and after several phone calls to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration we figured out that the police office apparently sent our application directly to them because our situation was a bit more complicated than usual.
So, we are still checking the mail box every day, keeping or fingers crossed, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. We are confident though, and staying positive!

Other than that, we've lived in our friend Arja's apartment for a few weeks while she was housesitting for her dad, which was very nice.

We can't wait till we can finally get our own place, which hopefully will be soon.

We've also been spending time with friends and family, planning new ideas and projects (which I will tell you about later), I've celebrated my birthday, and we got ourselves three lovely rat boys! They're called Harry, Ron and Sirius. Harry has (had) a lightning bolt on his forehead, Ron is ginger and Sirius is almost all black (with white socks and a big white blob on his belly). Yes, we're Harry Potter nerds.

Ida and Arja, weird little cuties!

Beach walks!

Winter beach.

Beach doom.


The day we got them.

Cleavage cuddles!

Sleepy boys.

Fruit tea and hubby at the cafe after meeting up with the bestie.

5 month anniversary dinner!

Coffee in the sun with Sondre, Michelle and Elise.

Playful boys!

Becoming best friends.


Birthday cake! Vegan pavlova cake by my dear mum.

Birthday face!

Stall at the second hand market at the local rocock venue!

Apple juice, weird faces and smiles at Sondre's magazine launch for Underkultur!

We've been busy and stressed, but we haven't been up to too much.
As soon as Daniel gets his application approved we'll start looking for our own place in Porsgrunn or Skien, and I'm starting my summer job at the gallery in Porsgrunn in June/July, and we'll hopefully find Daniel a job too, soon enough!
Fingers crossed!

Loads of love,

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