Friday 3 May 2013

The deal with the application - so far

So, as I mentioned, these last few months have been incredibly stressful.
Spending every day worrying about whether the person you love more than anything in the world will be able to be by your side in the near future, or even in the same country as you, takes it's toll.
Luckily we've both been good at staying positive, and luckily we have each other to vent to, and to pull each other back up when we fall down. We've both been so worried and stressed that it has affected us physically, but then the other one of us has always been there to take care.

Even though this situation sucks, I feel so lucky and endlessly happy that I have Daniel, and I am so thankful for what a great husband he is.

For those of you who don't know, this is a short summary of our application history:
  • We scheduled an appointment to apply for an EEA residence card fo Daniel, and got one the 8th of January at the local police district.
  • We handed in all our relevant paperwork, and was told the application was complete and would take 6-8 weeks to process.
  • After about 10 weeks, I contacted the police district to check up on the application, and I was told there had been a lot of absence in the offices due to illness, so everything was a bit delayed.
  • After another 2 weeks after that, I called the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to ask some questions regarding the application, and I was told it had been sent to them because our situation was a bit too complicated for the police to know what to do with. We got some answers cleared up and was told the goal was to have the application processed within 4 months after the hand-in.
  • This week I called to clear up something else, and was told the application had been sent back to the police district again so that they could interview us, as the police district failed to tell us that we had to attach a questionnaire about our relationship to our application.
  • It has now been 3 months, 4 weeks and 4 days, and we are still waiting just to be interviewed.
I do realize that in a lot of situations, the waiting time is a lot longer, and the conditions are generally worse. We are renting a room in my mums house, we have enough money for food, and we have each other, our lovely pets and family and friends around us.
But when it's about being with the love of your life or not, not knowing what is going to happen, and knowing that your lives can turn around completely just from opening a letter, waiting without knowing is really difficult.
We want to get our completely own place, we want to get steady incomes, I want to keep on studying, we want to travel and visit our family and friends elsewhere in the world. We want to start living our life as a married couple. But we can't do any of this properly, 100%, before we know the result of the application.

Like I said though, we are staying positive, we are hoping for the best, and we do have a plan b.
It's just difficult to not know.
But as long as we can be together, we're both very happy!

Photo by Benedicte Eikenes Thomassen

Loads of love,

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