Monday 17 December 2012

Flying home for christmas

I'm back in Norway! Back home, back with my hubby!
After a really nice visit from Bjørnar, My and Lotte.
Bjørnar, My and I didn't sleep all night before we left for the aiport, as we had to leave at 3.15am.
I slept on the bus ride to the airport, and on the plane. And took some random photos.

It was nice to land in beautiful, snowy Norway, in nice and fresh air.

I got worn out big time from the trip, and now I'm ill again. Gah!
But it's so so nice to be back with my wonderful husband again.

We already had tickets for The Hobbit at 6pm on Saturday, and we were both super excited to see it.

It was so amazing!

We spent this day relaxing, and watching The Fellowship of the Ring.
Gonna keep on relaxing, keeping warm, cuddling and watching movies till I feel well again. And that is absolutely fine with me!

Loads of love,

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