Sunday 23 December 2012

Cats, cake and friends!

Yesterday we went to a foster home/shelter for a bunch of rescue cats to meet at least one cat we were thinking of adopting. We got there after driving to the wrong house (it was kinda in the middle of nowhere) a few times, but when we finally found the right place, it was really nice! The woman who foster the cats had a whole, little house dedicated just to the cats, so there were about 15 cats living in there. All of them were adorable, loads of them were super playful and a couple were super cuddly! So cute!

We talked a bit with the woman responsible for them and she said Isa, the cat we originally wanted to adopt, probably wasn't the best choice due to her behaviour around other, dominant cats.
But I completely fell in love with a tiny little black/tortoiseshell girl called Siri, she was absolutely beautiful, and cuddly and playful all at once! I held her through almost our entire visit there, and she was pretty much just hanging out in my arms or over my shoulder! Eeeep!

I filled out an application form for the adoption, and I'm looking forward to hearing back from Redd Dyra (Save the Animals). Maybe Felix will get a girlfriend?

After the cat visit, Daniel and I went to Michelle and Sondre's place for Michelle's birthday.
It was really, really nice, we chatted a bunch about everything and nothing, and it was so nice spending time with Michelle, Sondre, Arja, Malene, Bjørnar, Christine and Anniken again, all together!

We also met this little cutie, who is in fosterhome at Sondre and Michelle's, and we're considering adopting her if we don't get Siri! She was so, so pretty!

My mum stayed up late baking last night, and today we got to taste the vegan christmas fruit n' spice cake she made for us, it is YUMMY!

We also had to take a trip to the mall to get some last minute gifts and some important groceries for our christmas food.
Meanwhile, the snow was (and still is) pouring down outside.

Loads of love,

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