Monday 19 November 2012


I meant to update with a long ass post about the wedding, but I had some problems with blogger, they're still going on, so I'm not gonna be able to post it yet. Unfortunately. I wanted to show you guys some of the great pictures and tell you about our awesome day, but it'll have to wait a bit. Soon, though!

I'm posting from my iPhone right now, sitting on the couch, chillaxing with my dear hubby and my mum and lil' sis.
The wedding day made a huge impact on my body, 'cause I wasn't in tip top shape as I had been ill for several weeks before.
It really took all energy I had in me, but it was so worth it.
Sooo, we've mostly just been relaxing, trying to figure some more stuff out, slept and rested loads, eaten loads, watched some movies and some series. And stressed a bit.

We still haven't worked out where to put ourselves. I'm so ready to get out of England and change to a different school, but I still don't know where, as I'm still waiting for a reply from an art academy in Italy. Fingers crossed that everything will work out as soon as possible, so we can settle down a bit, get a nice place in a nice country, and perhaps get a little puppy or bunny baby to share our love with!
We shall see.

But life as newlyweds is amazing!

Loads of love,

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