Tuesday 11 September 2012

Napping and such

I ended up having a long nap yesterday as well, apparently my body is in desperate need of a switch off in the middle of the day! Hah!
So, I didn't get around to start moving into the downstairs room, as I ended up with a massive migraine like headache and had to switch of all lights and lie down with a cold cloth over my eyes before I fell asleep.
I did however get around to paying the VAT charges for some moving packages Daniel sent, as well as buying some good equipment so I can start piercing. It'll all arrive tomorrow, and I'm excited!
Luckily I'm feeling much better today and in a couple of minutes I'm off to run some errands.

But before that, here's a photo of Medea and Medusa fighting. Medea is in total control and they stayed in this position for about 5 minutes. Cuties, hah!

Also, every second Friday we get a box of local, organic vegetables. This fella was in the load of tomatoes. Hello there!

Now it's errand time!

Loads of love,

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