Wednesday 19 September 2012


Alright, so I've been kinda really lazy lately, as I've been pretty exhausted and kinda apathetic.
Sorry about that!

I'll tell you a bit about the few things I actually have done though.

Daniel's packages with his records, CDs and movies came on the door, and when I was opening them the closest thing I could find to use to open them was a knitting needle. Of course I managed to cut myself on this knitting needle, and got a small cut wound. And when heating up a bowl of soup a little while after, I managed to burn myself on that, on the exact same spot as the cut.
So this resulted in this:


I've put up Daniel's stuff on the shelf and all, together with some of mine.

I also went to grocery shopping on an empty stomach the other day, and ended up with loads of stuff I really wanted right there and then.
Like this soy vanilla milkshake (that turned out to be less tasty than I had imagined and hoped):

I also went out to The Fighting Cocks with Madelén, Natalie, Bailey, John and Eva on Saturday night, which was so so nice! It was good to hang out again, it's been a while.
I got a bit dolled up with some lipstick.

I did some practice with some proper stick and poke equipment as well, as I really want to start getting into the body modification industry. I'm pretty happy with the result!

I've had more cuddle time with my rats:

And I had some delicious Chinese take out. Mushroom chop suey with tofyu and crispy seaweed. Yumsies!

Tomorrow I'm heading back to London Tattoo to work there for the rest of the week! I'm filling in for Kendra again and it'll be nice to see everyone.

And next week uni starts!


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