Thursday 3 July 2014

The last few days (in food)

So, as I mentioned, I had a massive migraine attack last Friday that shook me up pretty bad.
Had a real cotton brain for several days after, where I just didn't function properly.
But I'm back to my old self now!

I had my first real, non-trainee (and evening) shift at work on Tuesday, which stressed me out, but was good. I was kinda out of it still, so I had some trouble getting into everything I was doing. But I have another one tomorrow, so I'll have to get up early again, fuel up with loads of coffee, and get cracking.

The last few days I've been watching a lot of TV-series, relaxed a bunch, walked Atlas and drawn.

Daniel's also had his first full shift at his new job, so we've been having some pretty delicious dinners as well. Both from there and that I made, of course.

So here's a few days in food:

"Fooled pork wrap" with jackfruit, chipotle mayo and spinach!

Smoky hot dogs with hot scharlotte relish and mashed potatoes!

Pitta's filled with hummus, bean and veggie mix and lettuce!

Also, the biggest couch potato ever:

Loads of love,

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