Tuesday 17 June 2014

My day in food, etc.

So today was my first day actually working. The training course is over, and it's the real deal now!
Or, it's the real deal with some supervising and all the help we need. We are, after all, handling some very important cases, so we can't afford to mess up too much.
After work, I met Daniel and Atlas outside in the sun. Daniel and I got some tasty vegan hot dogs from Astrid och Aporna down the street, as well deserved treats. A treat for me for finishing my training course, and a treat for Daniel for getting a job interview. At my work place! He applied for a position in the kitchen of our pretty awesome cafeteria (that likes to serve tasty, healthy, green food, and always have something vegan), so fingers crossed!

Speaking of food, here's (part of) my day in food.
Not including the lunch I get at work, the fruit I eat in between meals and the cups of coffee I have to stay awake and aware while at work.

For breakfast I have what I always have: half a grape fruit, a bowl of muesli with almond milk and banana, and some other fruit, in this case a nectarine.

After work I had this treat (that I had to take a bite of before taking a picture, 'cause it's so tasy I couldn't help myself): a vegan smoky hot dog with hot relish consisting of shallots, cabbage, cashew nuts, coriander and chilli.

For dinner we shared two bowls of leftovers: risotto with mushroom, broccoli and spring onions, and vegetable curry with kidney beans.

I do love food!

Loads of love,

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