Sunday 8 June 2014

Dog park and roast dinner

Sunny day! I started it with a nice breakfast consisting of grapefruit, canary melon, and a bowl of muesli covered in almond milk and a splash of agave syrup. And a cup of coffee, of course.
We took advantage of the weather and went to the dog park (or the smaller fenced in area for dogs we go to), and we were surprisingly all by ourselves there.
Atlas got to walk around a little bit, and we did a little bit of training, but he was mostly just sniffing around, as usual.

You would think running would be the first thing an Italian greyhound would do while being off-leash in an area all by itself, right? Well, not in Atlas' case. He only runs in there if we run with him, or if he's smelled enough for the moment and is interested in his ball or a random stick again. Oh, well.
We decided to go home after a little while, 'cause Atlas just didn't seem too interested in being there.

For dinner we decided to make a kind of "chicken" roast that's been standing on our shelf for quite some time. Unfortunately, we didn't have a small enough baking dish or casserole to cook it in, but we did have some aluminum foil, so I decided to get "creative" and make a make-shift casserole. And it worked perfectly! Going to have to get a smaller one eventually, though.

Accompanied by some leftover polenta and potato salad, as well as some salad with a balsamic vinegar dressing and some aioli, it was devoured while we were enjoying an episode of Orange Is The New Black.

Loads of love,

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