Saturday 24 May 2014

Hello again world!

Once again I must apologize for my lack of posting.
It's been a busy few weeks, and the few times I did try to post something, Blogger did not want to cooperate, for some reason. I tried saving the posts, publishing them, take out the pictures in the posts, set the post time to a different day, but nothing worked.
Oh, well! Now I'm back!
I just handed in my last exam of this semester on Thursday, and it feels great! It's been a great semester for school, I've learned loads, been very creative and made loads of stuff. But it's good to be done.

Other than my two big project exams, this is what has happened the last few weeks:
- We had another awesome visitor from Norway
- We've gotten a dehumidifying-system set up for the moisture damage in our ceiling (after a pipe burst a while ago and it rained inside our kitchen)
- Atlas went to the vet and got all better thanks to that
- Daniel hasn't been feeling good (but is better now)
- We celebrated Daniel's birthday
- Daniel got his actual residence card
- We had (vegan) hot dogs and ice cream on Norway's national day
- It's been sunny and warm
- But also humid and rainy
- AND I've started my new job!

So yeah, I've mostly been focusing on making my little family here feel better, finishing my exam, and getting ready for going back to work.
Now that everyone's doing fine and I have no more school work to stress about, I'll get back on track with the blogging to keep all of you who reads it up do date on what's going on here in Copenhagen!

I'll probably go deeper into a few of the things I've mentioned, but for now, here's some silly photobooth photos:


Loads of love,

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