Tuesday 29 April 2014

Moving break

A little unannounced break, there. Sorry about that!
Those of you who know me will know that I've been in Norway for the last week, by myself, making the house we previously lived in and rented ready for move-out after we rented it out for a little while.
I've been packing, sorting, packing, sorting, packing, carrying, lifting, moving, carrying, cleaning, carrying, transporting and cleaning some more. It's been a very weird week.
It's the first week I've been away from Daniel for more than a work shift in over a year, and even though I felt ok about that most of the time, I wasn't really. It may sound weird, but after experiencing so much shit with immigration agencies trying to keep us apart, it's kind of scary to leave him for a week.
So I've been crying a lot more than normal this week (not that I normally cry that much, or at all), because I've been overly sensitive, but also because I got sick the day after I got here and have been recovering since, which made everything harder and more exhausting. And because I've been on the verge of panic attacks a few times. Moving (sorting, packing, throwing away) half a house/a whole apartment worth of furniture and stuff is not an easy task all by yourself. Especially not when you have a short deadline and a virus infection bugging your throat and sinuses and a fever at the same time.
But I did it! I sorted through a lot, packed so much, threw away loads, moved big, heavy stuff and cleaned half a house. Luckily not by myself, though. Julie, our (old) roommate cleaned the other half of the house, and I got some wonderful help from my friends. Sondre and Michelle helped me carry stuff, wash, fix things and was also great moral support for me when I was confused and overwhelmed by everything. And Borgar came with his practical hands.
All in all I would be very malnourished, hungry, even more exhausted, tired, sore, a little crazy and probably still quite sick if it weren't for these guys. Especially Sondre and Michelle. They even fed me and made sure I had enough to drink!
I'm so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.

Now I'm on my way back to Copenhagen, enjoying a quiet train ride with a cup of coffee and free internet. Soon I'll be on the plane, and I'm so happy the airport is just half an hour away from our apartment there!
Then it's time for some serious relaxing before our friends Borgar and Rikke are coming over to enjoy a long weekend of good music during the festival Heavy Days in Doomtown!

Loads of love,

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