Thursday 17 April 2014

Immigration complaint and an easy day

Today I've been working on a complaint we are sending to Norway regarding Daniel's application.
You see, good things have happened! The directorate of immigration in Norway has pretty much gotten a big slap in the face from EFTA (the higher-ups one complains to about EEA-countries not following laws), because they are not following the EEA law regarding family immigration. I read through the 16 page letter last night, and oh my, it was honestly one of the best things I've ever read! It feels SO good to know you were in the right after experiencing something like we have, and even better when you have a big organization backing you up.
We'll just have to see what Norway's next move is in this case, they can get in trouble if they don't sort this out.
So I've been adding some new documentation to attach to our complaint. I'm not really sure exactly what I want to reach with this complaint, as we're already in Denmark and we're staying for a little while. I guess I just really want them to admit that they were wrong. Because they were. Man, how wrong they were!

Other than that, we've been taking it easy.

Daniel's done some laundry, and walked Atlas in the rain. We've watched some New Girl cuddled up on the couch. Perhaps we'll do the same tomorrow, unless the weather allows strawberries in the park.

Loads of love,

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