Thursday 10 April 2014

Good news, banana puppy and avocado hubby

So, yesterday I got some good news regarding the job I applied for and went to two interviews for: I got it!
We're pretty darn happy about that!
I don't start till May, but it's a 10 minute walk from here, it seems like a wonderful work environment, and I have the impression it is a very giving, but challenging, job. So it's pretty awesome.
Next step is getting more paper work in order, then Daniel will start looking for work. And hopefully we'll have his residence card shortly after, I have the impression it goes a lot quicker here.

As I mentioned, I've been busy working on my project exam, and I still am. I will be until Monday.
But I still have time for my boys and their sillyness.
Like Atlas trying to eat a banana without it being peeled.

Don't worry, he didn't get any actual banana peel in him - he just tried to!

And him sneaking a lick of it while Daniel tries to eat it.

We don't give him more than a small lick or bite as a treat so now and then.

Also, Daniel recently found out he doesn't hate avocado! His brother made some tasty guacamole while he was here (oh, how I miss avocado and guacamole, stupid allergies), and he liked that, so I convinced him to eat my (possibly) favorite avocado-related thing ever: toast with ripe avocado, salt, pepper, garlic powder and lemon juice. It's damn god, I'll tell you, and he did indeed like it! Woop!

Now it's time for some late dinner while watching a few episodes of New Girl, then it's back to work!

Loads of love,

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