Thursday 27 March 2014

Motorcycle parade

Today has mostly consisted of writing texts for my project exam, and running errands.
The last errand we ran was to H&M for me to get some basic bits, and we had to walk through Nørrebrogade to get there.
When we came to Nørrebrogade, this was what met us:

"What is this?!"

Apparently there was an annual motorcycle parade happening, riding through parts of Copenhagen.
It was crammed with motorcycles, literally thousands!

When we came back out from H&M, they had all started driving, and drove by right outside the mall we had been in.

There were tons of people everywhere too, looking, taking photos, filming, laughing.

Turns out there was up to 7000 motorcycles participating in this parade, and it's been going on since 1965.

Picture taken by Daniel (husband)

Something pretty rad to witness on a Thursday night, on your way to run an errand.

PS: Wish me luck for my interview tomorrow!

Loads of love,

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