Monday 24 March 2014

Job interview and BBQ seitan sandwiches

I think one of my tonsils are swollen. If it's even possible that just one swells up? I've felt like I've had a tiny, sore potato in my throat since last night, it's kind of uncomfortable. But bearable, so I'm not complaining too much!

I've sent out some more e-mails today, and I even got asked to come in for a job interview in Friday!
It's for a travel company that organizes full trips to USA for customers, and as they needed someone fluent in Norwegian, and since I kind of have a bigger "connection" to the states than the average Norwegian/Dane, I felt it suited me. Plus I actually love organizing trips! Looking for tickets, hotels, finding stuff to do and how to do it is something I actually really enjoy doing.

This guy has been pretty annoying most of the day, craving so. much. attention. And complaining as soon as I look away. Little, adorable bastard.

And Daniel made some pretty awesome food again. BBQ seitan sandwiches with roasted potato wedges. Loooads of sauce. We were so incredibly full by the time we finished eating!

I hope the sky will be cloud-free tomorrow, as I'm really longing for some proper sun and some walks in the park. Without wind and dark grey clouds, but with sun, green trees and colorful flowers, and birds singing.
If not, we'll just stay in, and I'll work on my project exam. Which I have to do anyway...

Loads of love,

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