Friday 21 March 2014

Food, weekly shopping and jobnet

Today I was finally able to log on to what is called "jobnet" here in Denmark, to officially register my resumé and as a job seeker. Yup, it has actually taken this long for me to get everything I needed to be able to do that! I had to register at an address, get a Danish CPR-number (social security number), get a bank account, register for internet banking, and after that, register for the official signature service via my bank. The only thing that went by amazingly quick, was registering at an address and getting a CPR-number. The rest has taken weeks, which is weird to me, as my experiences both in the UK and in Norway hasn't taken as long of a time as it has here.
But now I have it, and I've done what I needed to. For those of you wondering about the slightly less exciting details about the Danish life!
It might get a lot more exciting if I manage to get a job I'll actually enjoy doing, but that is yet to see. Hopefully something will happen soon.

Other than that, we took our weekly grocery shopping trip out in the pouring rain today.
We go by several stores to save as much money as possible (after figuring out what is cheapest where - I'll be a great coupon collector lady one day), so by the end of it we were completely soaked! But we did stay under budget and got everything we needed, so yay, go us!

After drying up a bit, I started dinner and made a pretty darn tasty one too.
I made a cous cous salad with broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, yellow pepper, courgette, onions and garlic, and a red and green romaine lettuce salad with onions, cucumber and a creamy herb and garlic dressing.

Tomorrow we have a seriously tasty breakfast planned, as we bought some facon while in Sweden that's just been waiting in the fridge, and we just bought some tofu today to make tofu scramble with.
Daniel made me an amazing English style breakfast with facon and tofu scramble once in London, and it was heavenly, so I'm pretty excited for breakfast.

I love food!

Loads of love,

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