Monday 31 March 2014

Botanical garden: part I

We woke up to yet another super sunny day today, yay!
We decided to do two things we really wanted to: go to Copenhagen's botanical garden and go pick up some vegan pastry treats at the organic bakery Naturbageriet. And it so happened to be that the two are two blocks apart from each other, so it was pretty perfect.
Nice weather, nice temperature, nice plans, and Copenhagen was so alive.
Scandinavians come to life when spring arrives properly, we love our sunny weather and increasing temperatures!

We walked through half of Nørrebro and past the lakes, found our way to the entrance and enjoyed the walk through the botanical garden, taking lots and lots of photos and thoroughly admiring all the incredibly beautiful flowers, plants and trees (and little creatures and statues here and there). I really, really love plants!
I even started to wonder if I perhaps should've chosen an education within the field, I think I'd really like that.

 I have loads more pictures, especially from the garden but also from walking around in sunny Copenhagen today, but I didn't want to bombard the blog with too many at once. Plus I had to work on a project that's due in a few days! So I'll make a few more posts the next day or two.
Stay tuned for more beautiful plants and sunny goodness!

Loads of love,

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