Sunday 2 February 2014

Oh, hi!

So what the heck happened to Venus & The Moth?
Why have I been so quiet the last 8 months?

Well, there's been a lot going on in our lives. And I mean a lot.
Our lives have changed a lot over the past 8 months in a lot of ways, we've had some external problems, but we are still together, still going very strong and still very happy!
Let me sum it up for you:
- Daniel started his new job in May.
- We were interviewed for Daniels application in June.
- I started my job at the gallery in June.
- We found ourselves a place to rent with our roomie Julie in July.
- We moved all our stuff (and my old stuff) from my moms place to our new house.
- We got loads of stuff for really cheap (and some even free!) for our new place thanks to my grandma.
- We got a dog!
- I started school again in August.
- I finished the project exams for my first two modules in November/December.
- Daniels application got denied in November...
- We sent in two complaints about Daniels denied application in November.
- We saw a bunch of lovely friends and spent Christmas eve with family in December.
- Daniel was asked to leave the country as soon as possible, but luckily we got the deadline delayed until the 20th of January.
- We packed up as much as we could of our life in Porsgrunn in January.
- My amazing mom drove us all the way to Zealand in Denmark the 19th/20th of January.
- We now live in Denmark and are looking for an apartment.

Yes, that's right. Our life was pretty great in every way until November, when we got the letter from the Directorate of Immigration about Daniels application being denied.
We were both working and enjoying what we did, we got an amazing little Italian greyhound as a new family member, we were spending time with friends and eventually I started my digital media design course, which I love. And then our lives were turned upside down a little bit. But we stayed positive, we were so sure it was a mistake in the Directorate's part, as I have read the rules over and over and have found nothing that gives them the right to deny Daniel a residence card. But yet they did, and then they processed the complaint surprisingly quick, and his complaint was still denied, and he was asked to leave the country.

But we are still staying strong and positive! Nothing can keep us apart, not even Norway!
I swear all this crap are just making us stronger. And I still feel so, so lucky to have Daniel as my husband, because none of this has affected our relationship negatively, in any way.

So now we're in Denmark, with 5 suitcases and our little iggy.

I will be writing some more in-depth posts about these happenings, so stay tuned. I'm planning on keeping this blog going from now on, as long as I have internet I'll try to keep everyone up to date on our adventures!

Peace and love,

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