Wednesday 26 February 2014

Coffee dripper and plants

Today we went searching for a coffee dripper, so we can actually make some tasty coffee without having to invest in anything too expensive.
We popped by The Coffee Collective right down our street yesterday afternoon to ask where me might find one, and had a nice chat with the guy working who told us where we could find it, and we even got a tasty espresso each after we explained how we were living off of instant coffee. How nice!
So we took the walk to Frederiksberg, popped by the second nearest Coffee Collective, which unfortunately only had the expensive types of coffee drippers left. But yet another very nice emplyee told us where we could get a Hario V60, which was within our budget, so we did get our hands on one!

There was a flower shop on the way home again, that we naturally had to pop by to look at all the flowers and plants. I love flower shops, I always have, since I was a kid. I used to pop by the flower shop in my home town almost every time I would pass it, to look at and smell all the beautiful and weird flowers. I love the smell of them, being surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants, and I absolutely love flowers! Perhaps I should apply for a job in one, I'm pretty sure I'd like that, quite a lot actually.

Tomorrow I have a lecture in webdesign, where we'll learn to make apps. Which is pretty exciting!
Our next hand-in is an app for a cultural business of some kind, and I have a feeling I'm gonna like working with that. So far webdesign has been real fun, I'm learning a lot more, in a far better way than I ever did by myself. Even if the programs I use are a pain in the ass sometimes...

Also, spring is coming!

Loads of love,

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