Wednesday 19 February 2014

Camera, but no card

Sorry for being quiet the last few days, we've had a lot to deal with and things to figure out!
I was meant to take some photos while out walking today, but it turned out I had left my memory card in my card reader at home, of course... Perhaps I'll take some photos tomorrow.

We popped by a few of the small shops in our street after walking Atlas today, and they are so charming! Loads of little, cute stuff, handmade jewelry, antiques and ethical cosmetics.
We stumbled upon a tattoo shop/gallery as well, after noticing the beautiful decorations in the window consisting of animal skulls, antlers, horns and a raven. It looks super nice and seems like it is right up my alley. Maybe I will pop by one day and ask if they happen to be looking to take in an apprentice... We shall see!

Loads of love,

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