Friday 21 February 2014

Branches and roots

No IKEA today. Turned out the closest IKEA didn't even have half of the stuff we needed in stock, so we decided to go another day, once they hopefully have it back in stock.
Instead, we watched a movie, picked up a package for Daniel from the post office, and visited the little second hand lamp shop I wrote about.
There was so many cool, beautiful, special, weird lamps there, but unfortunately it was ridiculously expensive, so we didn't buy anything. Hopefully something (a lot) cheaper and cool will turn up soon.

We're also planning on taking a trip to Malmø soon. They have surprisingly little vegan food here, at least of the substitute-type (it's still better than in Norway, though), as far as we've seen. So we decided we should take the 30 minute train ride over to Malmø and go vegan food shopping. They have a store called Astrid och Aporna there, which is a completely vegan store (as far as I know) and from what others have told me it sounds really good. So we're gonna stock up on some things that are more difficult to find! We're not sure when yet, though.

Anyway, here are some more photos from the area.

Loads of love,

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