Saturday 18 August 2012

To the news!

I told you I had some news yesterday. Some of my friends and most of my family already knows.
You wanna know too?

Remember this right here? That I'm not allowed to actually see until my man arrives in London the 4th of October? Could you guess what it was?
If you guessed a ring, you are right, 'cause...

I'm getting married!

To the most wonderful man in the world!

This is so obscure and amazing.
I've never actually wanted to get married, I've never been fantasizing about it or imagined my wedding.
But this feels completely right.

I guess it's pretty obvious we're doing this for practical reasons, but it's simply because we want to be together. Actually, we need to be together.

The wedding will most likely take place in Norway in October, and I'll hopefully get to have my mum, little sister, dad, grandma, step grandma, other family and most of my friends there.
Now we just need to figure out where we can get a civil marriage performed, if we're gonna have a wedding dinner and/or a wedding party, who we are going to invite and where to hold it.
We're not doing it too formal at all, so fortunately there is not as much planning needed as a "normal" wedding.
But I sure as hell am excited!

I've already started looking at dresses and rings...
Etsy is my friend and I think I've pretty much found the rings I wanna get for us.
Daniel is so so so special to me and I wanna get us rings that suit us, that we'll both love to wear for the rest of our lives.
'Cause I want to be with this man for the rest of my life with all of my heart.

Loads and loads of love,


  1. Congrats!!! Ååååh så koselig :D Gleder meg masse til å se kjolen din og sånt! Du kommer til å bli verdens nydeligste brud <3 Tror forresten det er tinghuset i Skien dere må til for å gifte dere borgerlig :) husk at dere må sende inn prøvingsattest for å få gifte dere. All infoen du trenger her:


    1. Thanks baaabe! Gleder meg masse :D Ja, det ser sånn ut, tusen takk for tips! <3
