Monday 20 August 2012

Grey day

Today has been pretty boring, and I've been in a kinda weird mood, and I have no clue why.
I haven't really done much else than play magic piano on my sister's iPad, look at dresses for the wedding online and drooled over some stuff on etsy.
Oh, but I did find wedding rings for me and Daniel! Yet again, etsy is my friend!
They are perfect.

Oh! And also:
I've put up a load of new jewelry for sale in the Venus & The Moth etsy shop!

And I also cut my bangs. Not that you can see that very well in this photo.

Tomorrow will hopefully be a lot less boring! If the weather is nice I'll probably take my sister to the beach again, and in the afternoon I'm gonna meet up with my friend Andrea. I'm really looking forward, I haven't seen her in ages!

Best wishes,

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