Saturday, 14 May 2016

A little hello

Hello again everyone, whoever might pop by this blog!

My apologies for the almost 2 year long unannounced hiatus from my side.
Right as school started back up for me in 2014, we had to start thinking about a solution to our living situation a couple of months ahead, all while working as much as we both could.
Ever since that, my time has been mostly occupied by exactly those things: school, school work, work work, and worrying about where we're gonna live next. You see, here in Copenhagen, finding a place to live is kind of like winning the lottery - you gotta get real lucky! Especially when you are to foreigners with a dog.
Luckily we have not had to be "homeless" as of yet, but from we moved to Denmark in January 2014, up until now, we have moved house a total of 4 times, with another move coming up in just a couple of weeks. And the apartment searching process is both time consuming and exhausting. Thus taking up a lot of my time next to school and work - and as a result I haven't had time to do that much else at all.

But lots of things have happened, and lots of things are about to happen, and very soon I will try to be blogging somewhat regularly again! I'm gonna start back up again some time this summer, so stay tuned!

Loads of love,

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