Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Tiny bed

Another few days have passed. Now that school have started, I feel my time sort of shrinking. It's going by faster, and even though I haven't gotten properly into everything yet, it feels like I have much less of it.
But I'm eager and motivated to learn, so I'm ready for the 40 hours of studying and homework a week!

Other than working on school-stuff and attending online class meetings, I've run a bunch of errands the last few days. I got myself a new pair of shoes for autumn, a super quality bra (hopefully), and some thicker tights to keep me warm. You see, autumn really has come to Copenhagen!

We also got Atlas a mental exercise toy (that he doesn't understand at all - so far...), and a comfy bed just for him! So far he still prefers sleeping/cuddling as close to me as possible on the couch, but then again he's not used to having a bed just for him (other than a big pile of comfy blankets). He likes it, though.

Daniel even tried to squeeze in, but it turned out to be too small for them both...

I love my silly guys.

Tomorrow it's time for more school work, another class meeting, and some trip planning for a coming trip to Norway in October with my dear mother-in-law who's coming to visit us! Exciting!

Loads of love,

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