Monday, 4 August 2014

Mate Mate, sun and rain

Today has been a somewhat boring Sunday.
Daniel's been working all day, so it's just been Atlas and me.
Going for walks, doing dishes, going for walks, doing some grocery shopping, going for walks, and cooking.
Yes, we've been going for a lot of walks today.
I also popped by Daniel's work for a little pick-me-up.

Since the doctor told me to stay off the coffee for now, because of me recent stomach problems, I wanted to try something different that is also caffeinated and might help wake me up a little bit when I need it. This Mate Mate was pretty tasty and helped a little bit!
In this photo it is accompanied by a little ginseng root that Daniel and I bought on his sober birthday!
And that is of course accompanied by most of our other cacti and succulents.

Otherwise, the sun has been shining, but oh boy has it been humid and sticky in the air.
Until about half an hour ago, when we were surprised by thunder rumbling loudly, and 30 seconds after it starter to pour. A lot.

Most of the people living in the apartments around us peeked their heads out of their windows.
Some even ran outside to stand in the pouring rain!

It's still going!

Loads of love,

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