Monday, 14 July 2014

Sick Monday

After a stressful midday/evening shift at work yesterday, and a late dinner, I ended up with a big stomach ache and feeling so nauseous I could barely move last night.
And today I woke up still feeling nauseous, with a weird pain in my abdomen and a fever.
I tried to go to work, but as I had to concentrate not to throw up on my way and for the 10 minutes I was there, while my body couldn't make up its mind about what temperature it was, it was impossible for me to get any work done, so I went home.

So I've spent the day getting as much rest as possible, staying hydrated and watching a movie. And honestly being pretty bored.

I'm feeling a little bit better now, hoping I'll get a good nights rest and that I'll wake up feeling all better tomorrow.

Loads of love,

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