Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Dog park cuteness

Today I'm going to share a lot of cuteness with you.
Cuteness that I, like you, unfortunately only witnessed via these photos (except from the little chihuahua and yorkie, they're two of my favorite dogs in Copenhagen).

Daniel has been taking Atlas for long trips to the dog park nearby the last couple of days, while I've unfortunately either been collecting some energy (snoozing with a post-work nap on the couch), been in board meetings on skype, cooked, or done other stuff.
They've met our incredibly tiny and adorable lady dog friends, a new border collie puppy, and Atlas' new best friend: Diesel the Italian greyhound!
Atlas have been playing loads and have had tons of fun. And I of course regret not coming with.

All photos are taken by Daniel.

Gitta the 18 week old border collie puppy!

Smelling him smelling her.


The cutest, sweetest, most adorable little chihuahua I've ever met. All she wants to do is snuggle up on your lap or be held real close!

I think this picture accurately describes Italian greyhounds.

What are you?


This grass is reeeeally interesting.

Cutest little Kiki!


And after a long play session, Atlas is of course so tired that he doesn't even care when we pull his lips up so that he'll make his ridiculous smiley face.

He's so ridiculous. So. Ridiculous. And really adorable.

Tomorrow it's time to (hopefully) go look for a second hand bike! I'm excited! BIKE!

Loads of love,

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