Yesterday I woke up at around 9am, which is very early for me during vacation time.
Normally, most likely because of my condition, I really need to take a nap during the day to be able to function at all. But yesterday I didn't! I had some coffee and I guess that kept me going.
I stayed up til around 2am making and fixing some jewelry!
I was meant to go to Stavern for a market to try to sell some jewelry, but unfortunately it was too rainy outside to be able to do that. So I stayed home, and started on some more jewelry instead.
Today I woke up at around 10.30am, but I was far too tired to be able to get out of bed by then.
I actually didn't get up till about 1pm, hah!
Then I got some coffee to wake me up, and some cereal with blueberries, banana and rice milk.
Eventually me and my sister decided to go to the beach to try out the water (for the first time this summer for me!) and get some sun by the refreshing ocean.
We stayed there for a couple of hours, went swimming and had loads of fun in the water. It was chilly at first, but once you get used to it it's quite nice.
And the beach here in Langesund is beautiful.
While laying there licking some sun, the lady next to us suddenly asked us if we had lived in Norway for long. My sister answered her and told her we were born and raised here in Langesund. The lady said "aaah, ok! I was just thinking how extremely good your Norwegian is!".
What she meant by that, I have absolutely no clue about. Maybe we look foreign?
I dunno!
Warm and sunny wishes,
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