Sunday, 5 August 2012

My Norwegian cats

A little appreciation post about the cats I've grown up with, that all live in my mama's house. I love them all to bits, they are all so so different.

Here's some facts about them.


Sussi is the oldest lady in the house. She is the grumpy happy old lady, with the darkest meows and the weirdest food habits. She will eat pretty much anything we're eating. Some of her favorites are cheese doodles, pancakes and waffles.
She used to be super chubby, but she's lost quite a lot of weight the last few years. Which I guess is logical, seeing as she is a very tiny cat. And she is actually 17 years old!
I got her when I was 5 years old, my grandma helped me get her after she was advertised in the newspaper because she had been there for so long, which was rare for such a young cat.
I still remember the day we brought her home.


Felix is about 11 years old, and he is a very strange cat. All the other cats dislike him, especially Simpel, so he prefers to be outside or upstairs in my old bedroom. The other cats prefer lying in my mums bed, or downstairs.
He disappeared for a good, good while a few years back, but then he came back to us and we gave him a warm welcome. The other cats, on the other hand, did not.
He used to be convinced he was my boyfriend when I lived back home. He used to meow out for me if he was upstairs and I was downstairs, and wouldn't stop till I came up to my room. There he wanted me to go to bed so he could crawl in under the covers with me and lie next to me while we were sleeping! I think he still thinks I'm his sometimes when I'm home. When he lies next to me in bed and I pet him, he fetches a hold of my hand with his claws if I try to put my hand away, so I often end up with falling asleep with my arm around him.
He's a super cutie, and a big guy.

Simpel Dot

Simpel is the neurotic, talking lady in the house. She is quite strange, and loves to talk to us. She also seems quite nervous most of the time - except from when she's sleeping or getting good cuddles.
She likes to attack Felix if he comes to close, but she is very affectionate towards us and the other cats. She likes to cuddle with and wash up Sussi, and she loves to sit on my mums lap - especially if she is using her laptop.
She is 7 years old.
Her most used word is "mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrro".


Tarzan is super clumsy and weird. He is 6 years old and Simpel's son.
He is also a big guy, and loves to lie on his back with all his paws up in the air, especially in the bathroom where we have a heated floor. He also loves drinking from the sink, and he does not mind getting wet at all.
When he cuddles, he's typically too occupied with the cuddling itself to even consider where he shall put his body. This often ends in him lying down on edges and falling down. This happens quite a lot.
And he has the most high pitched meows ever!

They are all my little darlings.

Best wishes,

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